Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau vas sa zadovoljstvom poziva da nam se pridružite 27. septembra u 19h na otvaranje izložbe “WE from in betWEen” umetničkog para diSTRUKTURA. Kustos izložbe je Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo.

Umetnički par diSTRUKTURA, koji čine Milica Milićević (1979.) i Milan Bosnić (1969.) je 2007. započeo projekat pod nazivom We are living in a beautiful wOURld. Kroz ovaj projekat sakupili su dokumenta i fotografije u vezi sa najbližim emotivnim kontekstom: njihovim prijateljima u egzilu. Veliki broj mladih ljudi otišao je u potragu za novim mogućnostima i boljim životom, napuštajući Srbiju, državu koja se od početka ratova u bivšoj Jugoslaviji 1991. našla u situaciji ne samo političke i ekonomske, već i egzistencijalne krize.

Na poziv galerije Hestia, diSTRUKTURA je nastavila svoje istraživanje u drugačijem kontekstu: migracija umetnika, intelektualaca i drugih, iz prestonica Latinske Amerike u Barselonu i Madrid u Španiji. Ova promena smera, od Istoka ka Zapadu- od bivše Jugoslavije ka Austriji je sada postala tranzit od Zapada ka Istoku- od Južne Amerike ka Španiji- i omogućava nam da razmišljamo duž tih puteva, u tim linijama kretanja, povezanim sa našim identitetima i emocijama, a ponajviše o procesima uspostavljanja modela življenja u kontekstu globalizacije postkolonijalnog kapitalizma. Ove promene nisu slučajne. One referišu na kolonijalnu i imperijalističku prošlost, ali takođe i na postkolonijalnu realnost u kojoj se teritorije takozvanog Globalnog juga nalaze. Geopolitički koncept koji odražava stvarnosti i sličnosti, ali takođe i prilike i izazove koji ujedinjuju oblasti Latinske Amerike i Istočne Evrope, kao i Azije i Bliskog istoka – je veza koja je primaran fokus Hestije i projekata koje razvija.

Milica Milićević i Milan Bosnić su pozvali Patricija, Franciska, Andreu, Roja, Dajanu i Ajmaru, da nam pokažu svoje puteve, svoja kretanja. Oni nam pričaju o konceptu adaptacije, ali takođe, zajedno sa njima pratimo i rutu kroz emotivna mesta koja konstituišu postojanje. Šest protagonista elaborira kartografiju želje ovih mikro-politika koje su ujedinjene u mešavini kompromisa, otpora, utočišta, bekstva, dokolice i/ili posla, i koje su odraz karakterističnih i različitih načina života svakog od njih. Identifikovanje njihove moći da se odupru je prvi korak u stvaranju “novih perspektiva imaginacije i identifikacije” koje predlaže Franco “Bifo” Berardo.

U mapama WE from in betWEen prošetaćemo od Parque del Oeste (Zapadnog parka) u Madridu do plaža na istoku Barselone. Priče, opisi, fotografije, crteži i frotaži gradskih površina, u materijalnom smislu dokumentuju mogućnosti bekstva, pokušaje adaptacije i modele preživljavanja u globalnom, kognitivnom kapitalizmu, od preuzimanja modela do njegove direktne opozicije. To čine na način koji naglašava materijalnost samog stvaranja u tragovima koje su izveli umetnici, i fotografijama snimljenim tokom njihovih šetnji. Zajedno uz reči imigranata, konstruiše se pejzaž, ne racionalan već onaj koji se odnosi na uspomene i emocionalno iskustvo.

*Deo preuzet iz kustoskog teksta kustoskinje Marte Ramos-Yzquierdo.

Izložba će trajati do 9. decembra 2018. godine.

Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau cordially invites you to join us on September 27th. at 7PM for the openning of our new exhibition “WE from in betWEen” by diSTRUKTURA. The exhibition is curated by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo.

In 2007 diSTRUKTURA, formed by Milica Milićević (1979) and Milan Bosnić (1969), started an artistic project titled We are living in a beautiful wOURld. Through it they gathered documents and photographs tied to their closest emotional context: that of their friends in exile. A large number of young people was departing in search of opportunities and a better life, leaving Serbia, a country which since the beginnings of the Yugoslav Wars in 1991 found itself in a situation of not only political and economic but also existential crisis.

Upon Hestia’s invitation, diSTRUKTURA has followed up on their research in a different context: the migration of artists, intellectuals and other agents of the Latin American cognitive capital in the cities of Barcelona and Madrid in Spain. This change of direction, from East to West – from Ex-Yugoslavia to Austria – has now become a transit from West to East – from South America to Spain, and it allows us to think alongside these paths, in these lines of drifts relating to our identities and emotions and mostly about the processes of establishments of life models in the context of the globalisation of post industrial capitalism. These transits are not casual. They refer to a colonial and imperialist past but also to a post-colonial reality in which the territories of the so called Global South are found. A geopolitical concept which reflects the realities and similarities, but also the opportunities and challenges which unite the regions of Latin America and East Europe – a relationship that is the primary focus for Hestia and the projects it develops – together with Asia and the Middle East.

Milica Milićević and Milan Bosnić propose to Patricio, Francisco, Andrea, Roy, Dayana and Aymara to show us their paths, their movements. They speak to us about concepts of adaptation and translation, but we also trace together with them a route through the emotional places which constitute the being. The six protagonist elaborate a cartography of desire , of those micro-politics which unite in a mix of compromise, resistance, refuge, escape, leisure and/or work, and which are the reflex of the characteristics and different ways of life of each one of them. In identifying of their power to resist is the first step to create “new perspectives of imagination and identification” which Franco “Bifo” Berardo proposes.

In the maps of WE from in betWEen we would walk from the Parque del Oeste (West Park) in Madrid to the beaches situated East of the city of Barcelona. The stories, descriptions, photographs, the drawings and the frottages (rubbing) of the city´s surface document in a qualitative way the possibilities of escaping, the attempts of adaptation and the survival modes in the global cognitive capitalism, be it from the takeover of the model to its frontal opposition. They do it in a way that accentuates the materiality of the practice in the traces drawn by the artists and the images captured during their walks. Together with the words of immigrants landscape is constructed, not a rational one but one that refers to the memory and emotional experience.

*A fragment of the curatorial text by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo

The exhibition will be open until December 9th. 2018.