We are living in a beautiful wourld
We Are Living in a Beautiful Wourld is a work in progress, initiated by deeply personal understanding of social and political conditions in our country. In search of a better life people are leaving Serbia and we became aware that we were losing friends progressively. We decided to make photographs of these young people as a memento image collection of their uncertain destinations. Every time when someone decides to go to a foreign country to look for a better life we are called to witness the moment of their final choice. They all have the same reasons and all are related to the country’s political and social conditions.
The project started in 2007 with a series of photographs (digital print on alubond, 80 x 110cm), and has since evolved and included other works such as: Oblivion Statistic (installation, 400 x 400 x 250 cm, 2007 October Salon), Simple Statements (4 lightboxes, 40 x 50 cm each, 2008, Belef), Homeland (intervention in public space, Nature Park Pöllauer Tal, Austria 2010, Gleisdorf 2013.), On certainty (video, 5’ 22’’ 2010.), as well as sire-specific work We Are Living in a Beautiful Wourld- Graz within the project Generation Lost.
We are living in a beautiful wourld (srpski)
“We Are Living in a Beautiful Wourld” je rad u nastajanju pokrenut duboko ličnom spoznajom socijalnih i političkih uslova u našoj zemlji. U potrazi za boljim životom ljudi napuštaju Srbiju i mi smo postali svesni da sve više i više gubimo prijatelje. Odlučili smo da napravimo fotografije ovih mladih ljudi kao deo zbirke sećanja njihovih neizvesnih destinacija. Svaki put kada neko odluči da ode u inostranstvo u potrazi za boljim životom, mi smo pozvani da osvedočimo trenutak njihove konačne odluke. Svi oni imaju iste razloge i svi su u vezi sa državnim političkim i socijalnim stanjem.
Rad je započet 2007 godine serijom fotografija (digitalni print na alubondu, 80 x 110 cm), da bi se kasnije razvijao i uključio druge radove kao što su: Oblivion Statistic (instalacija, 400 x 400 x 250 cm, 2007 Oktobarski Salon), Simple Statements (4 lightbox-a, 40 x 50 cm svaki, 2008, Belef), Homeland (intervencija u javnom prostoru, Park prirode Pöllauer Tal, Austrija 2010, Gleisdorf 2013.), On Certainty (video, 5’ 22’’ 2010.), kao i site specific rad We Are Living in a Beautiful Wourld– Graz u okviru projekta Generation Lost.
This Is History – Catherine Hemelryk
The Statistics of Defiance (The Transition of Oblivion) – Nikola Šuica