Face to Face (Missing Hill 1), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 91x127 cm, 2005
Not so far away 1, lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2007
Not so far away 3, lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2008
Not so far away 4, lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2010
The best of leisure (Lechfeld-Hells Servants 1), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2015
Face to Face (Bohunice), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2011
Face to Face (Finish landscape 1), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2008
The best of leisure (Zmajeviti), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2011
Face to Face (Matera 2), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2014
Face to Face (NBGD3), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2007
Face to Face (Missing Hill 1), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 91x127 cm, 2005 Not so far away 1, lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2007 Not so far away 3, lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2008 Not so far away 4, lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2010 The best of leisure (Lechfeld-Hells Servants 1), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2015 Face to Face (Bohunice), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2011 Face to Face (Finish landscape 1), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2008 The best of leisure (Zmajeviti), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80 x 120 cm, 2011 Face to Face (Matera 2), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2014 Face to Face (NBGD3), lambda print mounted on aluminum, 80x120 cm, 2007

Face to Face

In our efforts we are trying to build on an extended view of Nature – as sublime, pseudo, or synthetic nature in urban constellations – aiming to define the various relationships, both real and virtual, that create the realities of modern-day life in which art has a significant function of pointing towards and defining, without any utilitarian means, the evolving drama around us.

The series of photographs Face to Face literally replicates the romanticized topography of the spectator who is directly confronted with the sublime and amazing scenes of a post-industrial landscape and is, in fact, an example of a new Social and Mental Ecology. It is a work in progress project that we intend to carry out in every place we visit, and it is comprised of works in media of photography. This is how the motifs of landscapes and cities all over the world became the object of our isolated contemplation, inviting the observer to join that contemplation.

By proposing new metaphors that would reflect the complexities of biological, technical and social being, Face to Face series is forming a new, modern and wider idea of Nature which reflects on the actual moment and modern day life.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Face to Face (srpski)

Razmatrajući proširene pojmove prirode danas, bilo da se radi o prirodi, pseudoprirodi ili sintetički stvorenoj prirodi, odnosno urbanim konstelacijama, diSTRUKTURA u svojim radovima pokušava da definiše odnose u novoformiranim strukturama koje tvore realnost savremenog života u kojem umetnost ima značajnu ulogu u ukazivanju i definisanju narastajuće drame oko nas.

Ciklus fotografija Face to Face doslovno replicira romantičarsku topografiju posmatrača neposredno konfrontiranog sa uzvišenim i zadivljujućim prizorima jednog postindustrijskog predela i primer je jedne nove socijalne i mentalne ekologije. To je rad u nastajanju (work in progress project) koji se izvodi na svakom mestu koje posetimo i sastoji se od radova u mediju fotografije. Tako su motivi pejzaža i gradova širom sveta postali objekt naše izolovane kontemplacije pozivajući i posmatrača da se toj kontemplaciji pridruži.

Predlažući nove metafore koje uzimaju u obzir kompleksne aspekte prirodnog, biološkog, tehnološkog i socijalnog bića, Face to Face serija gradi novu, modernu i širu ideju Prirode koja odgovara trenutnom, savremenom životu.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]FACE TO FACE TEXTS[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Monumental Landscapes – Miha Colner

Postmodern Nostalgia – Milanka Todić

Reflections on the Landscape – Miroslav Karić

In Re-establishing Relations – Sanja Kojić Mladenov[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]